A few interesting investigations

Bloomberg released an investigation earlier this week about fraud in the Small Business Administration's disaster relief program. They took data from the SBA and combined it with information they found at OpenCorporates.


Here's a story (in Spanish) from Univision about day laborers living essentially as slaves in the Texas panhandle.


Guatemala is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, it also exports a tremendous amount of coffee beans. All sorts of bad things happen in developing world export industries. A few of the giant coffee plantations that Nespresso buys its beans from, for example, use child labor.

In Brazil's Minais Gerais province, one of the largest coffee exporters in the world, a long Reuters investigation found outright slavery going on in some of the state's coffee plantations.


Bellingcat took a deep look into how British-made arms found their way to Yemen, a country engulfed in civil war. French site Disclose undertook a similar task regarding French arms (in French).