OCCRP work

I love the work that OCCRP does. It's data-driven and investigative to the core, they are able to parse what many powerful people would rather hide, often in plain sight.

Take for example their investigation, The Quiet Man in Stockholm Who Laundered China’s Oil Money for Iran. It delves into a private man running a small business in Sweden that has helped Iran skirt sanctions, much like the famous Reza Zarrab.


Here’s a story. A band of bank robbers broke into a bank in Milan by crawling through the sewers. They made off with 20 safe deposit boxes.


Then there’s the Outlier, which specializes in telling data stories about Africa.

This newsletter, Welcome to Kleptocracy, looks promising.

Armando.info is a Spanish-language investigative website that focuses on Colombia and Venezuela. They’ve been following the Alex Saab saga.

Spain found a former Venezuela spy-master wanted on U.S. drug-charges, and is extraditing him to the U.S.